Tag Archives: comfort food

All good things must come to an end

It’s nearly 10 am as I write this and I’m sitting down for my first cup of coffee for the day. I’ve been awake since 8 but it was so cold today that I decided to stay bundled up in bed with my phone and browsed TikTok and other social media platforms for a while. Next thing I know, it’s 9:30 and my tummy is growling.

The tree outside has lost most of its leaves and for the first time since moving in, I can see more of the church across the street. This great big maple tree has provided lots of shade and privacy this past summer. I’ve enjoyed sitting out on my balcony on hot summer nights while staring up at the stars. On really clear nights, around three in the morning, there are so many stars out here. The other night I saw the tail end of the little dipper and the three sisters. It was glorious. And freezing cold at the same time.

Fall is ending soon just as my friends in the US are starting theirs. The days are shorter with the sun that disappears around 7:30 pm. Pretty soon it will be dark by dinner time. That’s the worst part of early winter months. The long dark days. It always makes my fatigue that much worse.

But that wind this morning is cold. I had to shut the balcony window. And I know what that means. It’s October already fall will be over soon. This always makes me a bit sad. Maybe even depressed. This time of year is almost magical where I live. Once the leaves are gone, that month before the snow comes – it can get dreadful here.

And as the seasons change, so does my way of life.

Colder days means wearing fuzzy pants, heavy sweaters and using blankets at night time. I’ve got my bulky comforter on the bed already and a quilt. It’s almost a little too cozy. But the comforter is much too big for the bed so my legs get all tangled inside. I’ll have to shop around for a smaller one at Christmas time when they go on sale. Money is tight and my savings account is dwindling. I need to be more mindful of my spending for the winter.

My dreams have been all over the place. The night before last I had this strange continuous dream about a man I’ve never met. We met in the dream. Dated. Had a relationship. He met my family. I woke up. Went back to sleep and found the dream continued. That never happens to me. It left me with dark feelings and thoughts all day yesterday about relationships.

This morning, it was dreams about the end of the world and zombie wars. I blame spooky season. I’ve been binge watching supernatural and horror shows and movies. Things always get a little…. weird this time of year.

Home projects and recipes

September seemed to fly back like a flash of lightning. I got my kitchen and bedroom organized. My music room is mostly organized, I’m still trying to downsize and get rid of things I don’t need. My pantry is a work in progress. I ordered a pack of 12 Mason jars and maybe I got too many. I’ve had some fun emptying plastic bags and storing things like quinoa, pasta and coffee grinds in these jars. It makes me feel a little more organized, and a little more prepared. You know, just in case a zombie war happens.

The good thing about this month is that I did a TON of baking and cooking. 99% of the meals I ate were meals that I prepared or cooked myself. I did treat myself to pizza one night because it was too late to cook when I got home from a visit with dad. I’m currently snacking on a chocolate oatmeal loaf for breakfast. I’ll see dad later, and I have leftover meatloaf for dinner tonight. It was delicious. Maybe the best meatloaf I’ve ever made.

One thing I am looking forward to is Thanksgiving next weekend. That means a family dinner, and dinner with a friend. I think maybe I’ve been too cut off lately from the world.

The future of this blog

My business plan here expires in January and I’m not renewing it. I’ll go back down to the premium plan so I can still use premium features. Plus I need the storage. My media bin is packed with pictures. I wanted to start a new instagram account but my family would definitely find me.

So, I have lots of things keeping me busy right now. Lots to focus on other than the pain and joint stiffness that happens more frequently now. I’m waiting for appointments and referrals. Our healthcare system is a mess right now.

Good Reads

I’m working on a list of Good Reads for October and hope to share that this week. I’m still trying to find new books to listen to or read. It’s October which means it’s spooky season here and we do celebrate Halloween here. I usually turn to scary movies and sci-fi classics this time of year. I’ll share some of my favorites with you through the month. And maybe some spooky stories too. I had a strange experience last night that has me scratching my head today.

And on that note, my coffee is getting cold. I’m itching to get my day started. So, thanks for reading wherever in the world you may be from. I appreciate you.

I have been binge watching the original Twilight Zone and forgot how great this show is. I’m trying to get through all the episodes. There’s a lot of them. This show is the OG of all sci-fi shows. It inspired a lot of other great tv series like Supernatural, Outer Limits and Xfiles.

Follow blog now! Never miss a beat.

Thanksgiving Dinner for One – is all about comfort food

Since our family is opting out of Thanksgiving again this year, I’ve decided to cook up some of my favorite dishes this weekend. This seems like a lot for one person, but this meal can feed me for days. Here’s my plan (what I actually do might change):

  • Roasted Honey Ham
  • Mashed potatoes with cream cheese
  • Roasted butternut squash
  • A can of cranberry sauce
  • Apple Crumb for desert

As usual, I’m relying on YouTube tutorials for how to make this comfort meal really pop. I’m devastated that I can’t eat dinner with my dad. So I’m making the best of it. I’ll see him tomorrow for a visit anyway and my sister will see him Monday.

Now a warning – this meal is not for weight loss. Nor is it low carb. It’s totally 100% comfort food as I’m really going to miss my family. We all deserve treats now and then, don’t we?

Roasted Honey Ham

I have a very small cooked ham from Superstore. You can use any ham for recipes like this.

Roasted Butternut Squash

I’m using frozen cubes for this recipe – it’s just easier and my knives aren’t that good.

Mashed Potatoes with Cream Cheese

I’m cheating with this one and using instant potatoes mix then adding cream cheese. Here’s a good recipe if you want to make it from scratch. Just add in the cream cheese and some milk or cream as you mash them up.

Apple Crumble

I still have a bucket full of crab apples that I need to use up this weekend. I think tonight I will make another batch of apple crumble or perhaps just baked apples and cinnamon. You can read my recipe here from the other week – it’s super easy and takes minutes to prepare.


I might have to fall into a drunken state this weekend just to get by. But probably not since most booze gives me wicked migraines as you know. I do like to indulge in a glass of rum and orange juice on occsaion – reminds me of getting drunk at the bar in my twenties on screwballs.

But for this weekend – I think I’ll order in a nice blush wine. I tend to like the German Rieslings, but they too give me migraines. So, I stick to blush wines. They’re a little sweeter and delicious. I’ll finish the night off with either some apple cider or hot chocolate.

If you’re looking for a really nice wine and money isn’t an object for you – try an ice wine. These are smooth and taste amazing. But at $40-50 per bottle – I think I’ll stick to the blush wines this weekend.

Or maybe I’ll make a sangria. The possibilities of DIY alcohol are endless!

What are your plans this Thanksgiving weekend? As COVID cases are on the rise, we’ve been told by the province that family gatherings are not recommended. So, our family is doing our part by staying home and doing our own thing. Though I will miss family dinner – I understand the risk of stuffing all 21 of us around a table together.

Stay safe this weekend and enjoy some great food! I’ll share pictures as things progress.